Galina, 63 år., Ryssland, Samara
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Senaste besök:
Inte kontaktad på ett tag Inte kontaktad på ett tag
Svarsrate: 85%
Förnamn: Galina
Ålder: 63
Plats: Ryssland, Samara
Stjärntecken: Jungfru
Vikt: 66kg
Längd: 163cm
Ögonfärg: Brun
Hårfärg: Mörkblond
Kroppstyp: Normal
Rökvanor: Aldrig
Dryckesvanor: Ibland (Socialt)
Sovvanor: Spelar ingen roll
Med information:
Telefon verifiering
Har du barn?:
39 år. pojke, bor inte hemma
42 år. pojke, bor inte hemma
Engelska 4 (Avancerad)
Franska 1(Nybörjare)
Civilstånd: Skild
Vill ha barn: Nej
Är du villig att flytta?:
Jag vill stanna där jag är
Jag kan tänka mig att flytta inom mitt land
Jag är villig att flytta till ett annat land
Dina prioriteringar i livet:
Familj, långsiktigt förhållande
Inre harmoni
Var bor du?: Egen lägenhet
Utbildning: Doktorsexamen
Yrke: Annat
Vilken religion tror du på?: Kristen
Ålder: 55 - 70
Land: Alla
Längd: från 163 cm
Ögonfärg: Alla
Hårfärg: Alla
Er det i orden at de har barn?: Ja
Kroppstyp: Alla
Röker: Ibland
Drinkar: Ibland (Socialt)
Önskad etnicitet: Alla

Svar på några frågor

Hur skulle du beskriva dig själv?
Well, I guess if you're like me you are here because the "handle" intrigued you, or maybe because I took the time to fill out a profile, or maybe because I submitted photos. Whatever the reason, welcome...

I actually prefer to communicate than write profiles, but I suppose I had better give some sort of introduction so sit back and relax for a minute and I begin...  

I am person who is very happy with my life now. I would like someone to share it with and then a family but all good things come to those who are patient! I like me and others seem to like me too... I am often called lovely (Lol). I am also often told I have a great sense of humor; I apparently have the ability to make people smile and feel good about them. Not everyone obviously, but it is always nice when it happens!
What else... I am very caring, extremely honest person. I love socializing, but like my own space. I am extremely protective of family and friends. I have a child inside me but am serious when needed. I used to exist but now I live. I adore hugging someone I care about. I love romance and special shared moments. I can be incredibly sensitive and sensual!
I love traveling and knowing other cultures. I adore being by the coast (and waterfalls!). I do not have to say "wow" to know something is great! I worship the sun but like to feel rain on my face. I love sunsets, sunrises and a clear night sky. I enjoy swimming, music & reading, a friendly chat & films , meals out etc.

Well... if your still reading, I hope that was not too boring!! It was a little boring doing it!  

I am searching for love, but I am realistic enough to know what love really is. (I forgot to say that above!!!) …
I am happy making friends, if love should come along then I sure won’t complain

Anyway, that’s enough, my fingers are getting tired!  
Hur skulle du beskriva din idealpartner?
I want to find a very special man. A man that is strong but yet sensitive. Romantic but yet practical. I am looking for first of all intelligent man, because I think this is very sexy in a man. He must also be honest, very faithful and young at heart. A man who is honest and knows how to treat his partner with respect and cherish the love we share.

A man from the extinct species called "gentleman" would be more than nice

p.s. I do not interesting in pen pals, I appreciate my "free time".

Dialogue through letters very important both valuable part for the beginning and developments of attitudes.

But if you have the " own games " and are not adjusted on a real meeting and serious attitudes, "pass" by me not having forgotten to note " Ah, what woman, me such … " LOL
Om jorden gick under om 30 dagar, vad skulle du göra?
The lines scratched on a wall of a cellar at home in Cologne, destroyed at bombardment during the second world war.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Enjoy it!"
Om du hade 10 miljoner dollar att spendera, vad skulle du göra?
Tell us what you would do if you were given $10 million dollars. Invest? Travel? Pay bills?

Invest? - A reasonable investment of money - a necessary condition of preservation
and increasing quantity.  

$10 million dollars??? - Unless it is a lot of for realization of the BIG dream?! LOL. There is such " a pink dream " - to live on coast of the warm sea. And can be, open small and cosy hotel at most " the dark
blue sea ".   Hotel with a house atmosphere, where it would be desirable to come back again and again to spend unforgettable time of a vacation.

Travel? - Yes, yes, yes …!!! To travel it is more, than I now can.  

Pay bills? - I have no not paid bills.  
Hur ofta och av vem frågar du om råd?
If I have doubts, I learn opinion of my relatives and friends (sometimes obvious things are not visible for us by virtue of those or other reasons)...
But I always accept the decision itself if it concerns only me and my life.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
Sincerity and feminity. Sense of humour.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av motsatt kön?
Reliability and manhood. Sense of humour.
Tycker jag om trädgårdsarbete?
Jag älskar trädgårdsarbete
Tycker jag om att handla mat?
Jag tycker väldigt bra om det
Tycker jag om andra typer av shopping?
Jag älskar det
Tycker jag om att laga mat?
Jag tycker verkligen om matlagning
Hur ofta tycker jag om att gå ut?
Två gånger i veckan
Idealt skulle vara att bo i en
Tycker jag om att äta ute?
Jag gillar det
Håller rent hemma
Alltid rent ifall jag får besök
Husdjur och jag:
Har inte men tycker om Katter, Hundar, Fiskar, Fåglar
Vilken typ av tv program tycker jag bäst om att titta på?
Sci-fi, Sport, Nyheter, Natur/djurliv, Filmer, Lärorikt, Drama, Dokumentär, Komedi
Jag gillar att spendera min fritid
Krypa upp med en god bok, Äter lunch med en vän, Med familjen, Påtar i trädgården, Besöker ett museum eller galleri, Komma ikapp med hushållssyslorna, Gå en kurs, Sysslar med min hobby, Ta en promenad, Tillsammans med mina vänner, I naturen, Surfar på nätet, Jobbar över
Aktiviteter som jag tycker om
Aerobics, Camping, Fiske, Fjällvandra, Dans, Annat, Simmning, Promenader
Sporter som jag tycker om att titta på och/eller utöva
Bilracing, Dykning, Extremsporter, Konståkning, Olympiska sporter
Underhållning som jag gillar
Konserter, Middagsbjudningar, Modeevenemang, Eleganta middagar, Filmer, Museum/konst, Klassisk musik, Countrymusik, Jazzmusik, Popmusik, Poesi, Surfa på nätet, Tv - Utbildning/nyheter
Andra hobbys eller intressen
Handarbete, familj/barn, trädgårdsskötsel, gourmet matlagning, fixa / renovera hemma, filosofi/spirituellt, fotografera, shoppa, socialt engagemang/aktivism, resa
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